Movies for Download:
BChE-solvated.gif (~100 MB)
DAPP5-in-pocket.gif (~49 MB)
DAPP5-Undocking.gif (~28 MB)
DAPP3-Undocking.gif (~23 MB)
DAPP3-Redocking.gif (~26 MB)
DAPP1-SurfaceRedocking.gif (~46 MB)
DAPP1-Redocking.gif (~29 MB)
Amethyst Radcliffe2, Phuc La1, and Yi An1
California State University at Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840
BChE-solvated.gif: BChE in cartoon display mode inside the 100 Angstrom cubic solvent box used in all reported simulations.
DAPP5-in-pocket.gif: DAPP5 inhibitor sampling a number of binding modes within the BChE active site.
DAPP5-Undocking.gif: DAPP5 inhibitor leaving the BChE binding pocket via the active site gorge.
DAPP3-Undocking.gif: DAPP3 inhibitor leaving the BChE binding pocket after unhinging of the omega loop into an "open" position.
DAPP3-Redocking.gif: DAPP3 inhibitor leaving and redocking into the BChE binding pocket after sampling the protein surface.
DAPP1-SurfaceRedocking.gif: DAPP1 inhibitor leaving and redocking into the BChE binding pocket after sampling the protein surface.
DAPP1-Redocking.gif: DAPP1 inhibitor leaving and redocking into the BChE binding pocket after floating in solution.